CBD oil’s anti-inflammatory effect is part of what makes it such an interesting supplement. Its natural potential to curb inflammation within the body may explain the reach of its benefits. This doesn’t mean that cannabidiol is the cure-all that some marketers and sellers claim, but its effects on inflammation throughout the body could be significant for addressing a range of issues.
We’ve talked about CBD oil benefits for skin, but could those same anti-inflammatory effects have an impact on the scalp and hair? What are CBD oil benefits for hair loss and regrowth? Will it cure baldness or transform dry, brittle, or thin hair into lush, silky locks? Some products may be eager to give this impression but it’s important to keep your expectations grounded in CBD’s established benefits.
CBD oil, specifically CBD hemp oil, has been shown to benefit the hair and nails in some ways. Researchers and doctors think this may be due to the prevalence of fatty acids, amino acids and other nutrients found in both cannabidiol and hemp seed oil. These nutrients, combined with CBD’s anti-inflammatory effects, could also have beneficial effects on the scalp and the hair follicles.
As the scalp absorbs fatty acids and amino acids, and other nutrients like vitamin E, the result can be stimulation and improvement of hair growth as well as improved circulation to this area of the body. CBD and hemp’s nutrients can also improve the condition of brittle, dry, or weak hair. Additionally, any inflammatory response that could be interfering with hair growth or condition might be corrected by CBD’s ability to curb inflammation.
There are some inflammatory and autoimmune issues that attack the scalp and the hair follicles, which can cause notable hair loss and interfere with the hair’s natural regrowth cycle. There aren’t yet many well-known studies testing the effects of CBD on this specific function of the body, but it’s possible that targeting inflammation and immune system dysfunction through the endocannabinoid system could help with such issues. As CBD oil affects the body via endocannabinoid receptors, some people have begun exploring its effect on hair regrowth and enhancement.
Even with this in mind, there is little evidence to suggest that CBD oil can do much to remedy the effects of hereditary hair loss. This means that it probably won’t be able to counter the effects of your genetics if male pattern balding or thinning hair tends to run in your family. You can usually tell if this type of hair loss is affecting you when the hair begins to recede or thin from the crown of the head to the hairline. This hereditary process usually cannot be controlled by any supplement or other substance.
If your hair loss is occurring or accelerating due to stress or other lifestyle issues, it’s possible that CBD oil can help reduce anxiety and tension, thereby interrupting the cycles that are negatively impacting hair regrowth.
Based on what we know so far, CBD oil, especially when combined with highly nutritious hemp oil, can be beneficial for improving hair quality and even stimulating hair growth in certain cases. There is, however, nothing to suggest that it’s the cure for hereditary hair loss, nor will serve as any sort of miracle hair growth product, so be wary of any sellers or products that promise these results.
If you’re dealing with an inflammatory, autoimmune, or stress condition, and you think your hair health may be compromised as a result, you may want to discuss CBD oil with your doctor to see if it’s a good option for you. If you’ve cleared CBD oil use with your doctor and you want to see how it may benefit your hair, you’ll be pleased to learn that it’s a low-risk addition to most health and beauty regimens, just make sure you only use products that are reputably manufactured and are high-quality.
Original Article Source: https://blog.puredosage.com/cbd-oil-benefits/hair-loss-and-regrow
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